ABC Loses Motion To Dismiss Defamation Suit Against Stephanopoulos
In other news, ABC wins motion to keep question of "What kind of rapist is Trump?" in the news forever.
In other news, ABC wins motion to keep question of "What kind of rapist is Trump?" in the news forever.
The attorney was convicted of aggravated rape and burglary.
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
Genetic genealogy was used to identify him as a suspect in the unsolved cases.
Hide the ketchup!
The world's worst client strikes again!
Reach out to continue the conversation on how to most effectively detect, prevent, and correct this or other types of fraud, cybercrime, misconduct, and non-compliance.
You tried ... but you probably shouldn't have.
Hey, ladies, remember how we all felt during the Kavanaugh hearings? Get ready to feel that way again!
* Trump may soon be in court for rape charges. Unrelated, I doubt this will damage his reputation among his cult following. [NYT] * Aspiring JD concerned about the environment? Check out Vermont Law! [VT Digger] * Chipotle to shell out $8 million tied to child labor law violations. Whoever tipped them off probably didn't get a good serving size. [NJ Monitor] * Adobe and Antitrust go together in more ways than just alliteration. [Axios] * Bit of legal humor to start the day off? Here's a thread of some "allegedly" good legal jokes. [Reddit]
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
If there was ever a time for debt forgiveness, it would be this.
The latest allegations are from an incident that occurred while he was out on bail for a separate rape charge.
Sadly, this horrifying incident probably isn't unique.
Can't hide from DNA.